Monday 13 May 2013

Idea and concept: The world of book

After finished term two work, I have talked project content with my tutor Simon. previous idea 'Secret & Mystery', actually is not good. I just distinguish the different between physical book and digital book, it don't have a clear theme to support my project.
so I have chosen the "world" idea to develop my project. meanwhile, I saw some quotes for book, trying to find some useful ideas to give some meaning for window display. and also all content will base on below structure

idea --- shadow

“Books are the window through which the soul look out." --- Henry Ward Beecher

                                                                     idea draft

based on above quote, I used the 'shadow' concept to express the world of book. when a person stand in the sunshine, one side is bright and other one is shadow. so to link the world of book, the bright way is the world we can see and know it, it is outward things, such as society.  and 'shadow' like inward things, we have something unknown in this part, which should we find it. book like society, world,  people can stand outside to see a whole part, not only limited in small scope. it likes window to light and guide people's life. so I put a book on shadow, and the below is a box, which has a peephole, people can close the window to see the world in book.

the world concept draft

and as we know, world is colourful, it likes kaleidoscope, colorful and changeful. so I study how to create kaleidoscope to support my idea in peephole content.

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