Sunday 16 December 2012

12/12/2012 Tutorial

Today, we discussed the learning agreement and methods and methodology in Art and Design.

Method is the tools which you use it to measure your project. why you choose that, and how can it help you.
Methodology is why you used that tool, what are you trying to figure out and solve.

we discussed:

- to reset and complete more details about my subject scope. According to Lucy Johnston (, to prove retail environment is important in physical consumer experience. 

- finding and using different evidences to prove why i choose my project( visual merchandising).

- using cultural probe in methodology to think space design how to engage people's experience.    

- to think how to arrange questionnaire to got useful information. 
- to thinking what the display will be look like in contemporary and future.

Things to do and look:
- completing my learning agreement

- reading materials to know what is the method in Art and Design.( )
- to know what is cultural probe

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