Friday 30 November 2012

Exhibition Design by Holzer Kobler Architekturen

Design is unlimited, we can find new ideas from Exhibition design to use in window display. so this article is a good example to help me thinking how to create window display for bookstore.


                                                  Warning: Communicating is dangerous

"Warning: Communicating is Dangerous" is an aid to better living. Visitors enter the communication clinic and are immediately confronted with a problem: the deluge of information that washes over us every day, represented visually in the form of a library. Their case history is examined and they undergo a check up, after which their personal 
communication index is calculated. While waiting for their results they can relax in the discreet and confidential atmosphere of the waiting room. Finally, four personalised wellness packages are prescribed as an immediate response. As they leave the clinic, visitors are handed their medication: “comucaine”. The information leaflet enclosed summarises the most important tips for communication behaviour. )


The exhibition design of BAU.ART.Thüringen is informed by the shell of the heating plant in which it is   housed, using typical, very simple construction materials to mimic the austere style of the building. The exhibition concept includes an information section in the foyer of the plant and a vision section in the boiler room.   ( )

                                                                 A History of Forest and People

As you stroll through the woods, your senses are on high alert: you gaze at the forest floor, raise your eyes to the heavens, peer around the next tree or seek out the ground beneath a root. We made such a principle of playful discovery part of the exhibition space, and filled the white surfaces of an entire screen with content as abundant, dense and multifaceted as the forest itself.
The many layers of the display enact dramas whose props are objects, models, images, media presentations and games, and the emotional and poetic production captivates a heterogeneous viewership, from children to nature lovers. )

                                                                   MISE EN SCENE <EX 545>

“Scenography and architecture tell stories about spaces. As we move through spaces we constantly perceive their architecture from new points of view. Architecture is never constant: it is in continuous movement.” --- Barbara Holzer and Tristan Kobler

Exhibition design is concerned with the issue of transformation. The scenographer must reconfigure an existing space: no place or location is neutral. The transformation is closely linked to the content, and that changes with every exhibition. The same applies when we design a building. Who can predict whether an office complex will always remain an office complex, or an apartment house always an apartment house? Exhibition design teaches us how to approach transformation, which is a fundamental element of architecture. It shows us that people never take an aerial view of architecture but always see it at eye level; and the way in which a person moves through a space is crucial. Our view of that space is fragmented, our perception of it a series of discrete impressions. )

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