Wednesday 12 June 2013

11th June 2013 Tutorial feedback

Today we have checked the plan to discuss what I have done before.  We talked about the scale for model-box to make sure the scale is more professional, and to distinguish what different between low-fidelity and high-fidelity.
We have discussed window display and content for bookstore. To display form,  the idea is creating two layers scenes about book( open space and  confined space). For open space , people can see it in long-distance, and for confined space, the box maybe have few holes people should close window through the hole to see inside space.  We  also talked  about content and mentioned a whole and parts scenes, i.e. from open space to confined space. to make this two parts can link each other and think what content can engage people’s attention to close window, thereby  promoting the relationship between people and brand, (e.g. Apple).  And we have mentioned to use kaleidoscope to enhance the visual language, but if I want to use it, should think about how to use kaleidoscope to link bookstore.

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