Thursday 29 August 2013


My project compose of two parts and four objects.  two parts is open space and confined space, four objects respectively is Pattern, Board, Scenes(peepholes) and Poster. those parts connect with each other and have different function. "W" pattern is to catch passer-by attention to invite them close window, then see a quote from "The Wizard of Oz" to engage people's interest, therefore to see peepholes to know what the quote meaning, finally, to get postcard understand what is the meaning of this window display.

About postcard, the elements come from Waterstones and the content "The Wizard of Oz",
the front of postcard, I choose main colors from model to be background,

and because the content of peephole is "The Wizard of Oz", Red glitter shoes is symbol of this story. so I chosen it to put background.

the function of quotation like summary, to explain what whole display want to say, which link to window's content. In Oz story, Dorothy and her friends finally achieve their dream, even though, it is not correct thing which they want. 
in the film, when Dorothy ask fairy to help her go back home, fairy told her, actually, she always had the power to go back to Kansas. but she had to learn it for herself.

one part of The film "What have you learned, Dorothy?"

The film dialogue

What have you learned, Dorothy?

I think that it wasn't enough just to want
to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em,

And it's that if I ever go looking
for my heart's desire again

l won't look any further
than my own backyard

...because if it isn't there...

l never really lost it to begin with,

Is that right?

That's all it is!

But that's so easy!
I should have thought of it for you,

-I should have felt it in my heart.
-No. She had to find it out for herself.

so as same as we read book, book often can not tell us what thing is good or bad, we just can learn and understand it when we read them and find answer by ourself.

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