Wednesday 10 July 2013

09/07/2013 Tutorial

Today, we talked three parts.
First one is the details about “peephole” content in the box. There are three peepholes(window), each one has different scene to present the world of book idea. Firstly, we discussed video content for nature part, saw the 3D sky space video by AE software. And then discussed other two scene content and technologies, one is use “view master” form to present society concept. Maybe using from full view to part scene to show information. Other one will use collage to create theater scene to represent people part.
Second, we discussed the EXPO planning, to make sure the final expo what it look like.
Third is about model-box, which shows the whole effect of Waterstones- bookstore’s window. Simon has mentioned a concept is about Minimalism. It means the object has a clear visual sequence. to my model-box, the pattern on box, looks little mess, so I will change some details like colour or pattern to make it look better and ordered.

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